Toronto East Rotary Skate-A-Thon

The Skate-To-Ice Cancer

When: Tuesday, December 12 th .
Where: East York Memorial Arena 888 Cosburn Ave., Toronto

The Toronto East Rotary Oncology Relief Fund alleviates financial issues for those with limited incomes, during their cancer treatments. Battling cancer is difficult enough.  Worrying about bus fare, healthy snacks, pain relief, lotions, etc, can be overwhelming. Your donations will aid oncology patients at Michael Garron Hospital. The funds also assist child / youth mental health services and families fleeing violence and homelessness.

There are 3 ways to contribute:
  1. Cheque: Toronto East Rotary Foundation, 330 Browns Line, Toronto, M8W 3T6 
  2. e-transfer: Please include name & address for receipt. 
  3. Credit Card: Please select an amount and click the Donate button below. 
You can also click here to download a donation form.
Personal donations will receive a charitable income tax receipt.

Toronto East Rotary Club Foundation
330 Browns Line, Toronto, ON M8W 3T6
Registered Canadian Charity No 86846820RR0001