Sal pioneered efforts at her school for Gender Equality and Mental Wellness and founded the Youth Gravity team in Regent Park. She will be attending the University of Toronto to study Physical Science and Mathematics. Cathy, in addition to a long list of community service activities both in and out of school, was selected to take a leadership role in the Toronto Police Youth Community Program deployed to the Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club. She is enrolled at the University of Windsor to study Forensic Psychology and Criminology. Both students delivered inspiring speeches detailing their contributions and confirming their on-going commitment to volunteer community service.
Also shown in the photograph taken at the awards dinner are, from left to right, John Ryall from the TERC awards committee, Julie Dabrusin, M.P. for Toronto Danforth, Jim Anastasiadis, President of TERC, and Angela Kennedy, Trustee for Ward 11 and Chair of the Toronto Catholic District School Board.